In one comment on Almine’s position on Ayahuasca, it was argued that Ayahuasca is about pure intention and that she’s “fear mongering”. Almine responds:
To deliberately do what we know is hostile, and then think we can negate that, is counterproductive… Like eating junk food and intending that it cleanses rather than harms the body. Life supports integrity. As for wisdom being “fear mongering”… you’ll have to figure that one out yourself.
James says
Your intention may have been pure, your experience may have been good. That does not change that fact that your assemblage point is assaulted by ayahuasca whether or not the experience was good or your intention was good. It is well known that ayahuasca overrides such intention, that is part of its use. You cannot while under the effects control the movement of your assemblage point. I took ayahuasca many years ago and I had a great experience with it, but have struggled ever since to pop my assemblage point back into the place that I had it when I took it. I have it back to that point now, but it has been quite an ordeal. I respect your use of intuition greatly seeing as how it was once a great source of guidance for me, but the power of intuition which I find is flawed and incomplete mostly is nothing in comparison to the power of seeing or effortless knowing. Intuition being based mostly on fear of the unknown. I’m not chastising or being rude just pointing out truths that I have discovered for myself. If I might I would suggest reading the works of Carlos Castaneda, his mentor the nagual Don Juan describes in great detail the damaging effects of power plants on the luminous cocoon and the assemblage point. Praise, love, and gratitude.
Jennifer says
Hello, my comment is only about the new layout of the blog. I love the new larger print on my iPhone 6. I did notice that when I click the menu box at the top it is a black background with really dark color words and I can’t read them at all. You all may be working in this but just wanted to let you know in case you were not aware of this.
As always much love and blessings to Almine and the team!
alan rhyason says
Hi Brothers and Sisters, Actually, what I said was the intention with how we use ayahuasca. For me it was a beautiful and powerful experience. All I can say is the man I am today is because of the ingredients of my past which includes EVERYTHING. As I sat there in the malocca in Peru, my pure intention to use this plant medicine resulted in deep growth. I do not see how this could be debated. As for Almines comment that “I’ll leave that to you to figure out” regarding my comment about fear mongering, is not spreading ones on perspective as a blanket perspective saying something is bad, fear mongering? Ive really learned to trust my intuition and red flags go up when I hear comments like hers. Just saying and I absolutely mean no disrespect in any way to anyone. it seems this viewpoint needs more exploration. Peace.
Wendy says
I can well imagine that red flags go up when it’s time to see something that we have not seen before. PEACE!
Rogier says
Thank you Jennifer… it should be (somewhat) fixed now.