We recently received some questions from one of our online students on the Art of Dreaming course that we felt were of interest to many. We post them here with thanks to Nimue Chwyfleian for sending them to us.
Q. We recently received some information on the Realms of Arulu on the Art of Dreaming course. Do these realms still exist?
A. Yes, but they no longer are populated by shadow gods.
Q. Can you explain the Halls of Amenti and are they still in existence?
A. For a history of previous cycles of existence, we recommend reading The Gift of the Unicorns; the following is an excerpt from Twelve Cycles Ago, Blavachseshviherestag.
…The seven lords not yet corrupted were
But already began their options to explore
The gods of darkness only when required
Did take form in order to conspire
Only the few by then targets were made
They did not yet the masses invade
They did not reveal their agendas openly
Mother was visiting here too frequently…
Q. What about the Lords of Amenti – I heard that somehow they had become corrupted or had been replaced by others during the ascension cycle.
A. The Halls of Amenti have become the sanctuary for the Infinite’s embodiment.
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