Last night, after dark, I went outside to empty out a small bucket of water. I looked at the bushes where I was throwing the water and saw two sets of eyes looking back at me. They were large, slightly slanted oval eyes, and were a glowing luminous white color. The height of the eyes was a couple of inches below the height of my eyes. After about 15 minutes, I filled the little bucket again and went outside once more, to empty the water in the same place. The eyes were not there this time. They were gone. Although I didn’t feel fear or imminent danger, it felt as though something was in the bushes watching me. Can you find out who was in the bushes outside my home, please?
The Seer:
I have been aware of aliens being in the vicinity and after communicating with them, I found out that they had come to mine some heavy metal. I explained to them that on Earth it is accepted that if you take something you must give something back. They said that they can disintegrate the mountains of unwanted rubber tires β thereby eliminating what is a huge fire hazard that could burn for several generations if ignited. I agreed that that would be a welcome exchange. They would eliminate the tires a bit at a time. The two aliens you saw are miners and this is their 18th trip to our planet. The individuals are called Mechda and Sumiel.
*Note from Tina: The two white lights on the UFO in the photo above are almost exactly like the eyes that I saw..only the eyes were closer together than these two lights are though.
What an encounter, dearest Tina, you experienced…they showed themselves to you, knowing you pass on their presence — and now.. what great service they will do on earth!. thanks to you and Almine! and we can share our gratitude –
Beautiful… I love this exchange … amazing
These Beings have showed themselves recently to me as well!!
Wow. I thought other than the reptilians, any other alien was banned from earth for some reason. The AI races are still around for now as well.
Well, good to know. Thank you for sharing this Tina. I have been sensing their presence but did not know why.
Amazing Tina and Almine !!!
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Life on earth happens in a dynamic exchange. I’m of the opinion we’d be so much better off if we’d be honest with ourselves and others about what it is we really want, and what we are willing to give in exchange for it.
Just last night I heard about a lady, Veena Sahajwalla who has found a way we can utilise the rubber and several elements from landfill to make steel and beautiful ceramics too. Maybe the Aliens can use the landfill too. So much hope, thank you!