Beloved Almine; in the grace-filled years since being catalyzed by and applying your exquisite, peerless teachings, my experience is that consistently, you literally open doors of limitless depth with your words, such that I can revisit any of your books, webinars, sound elixirs, art pieces, ceremonies or protocols, and feel / perceive anew each time. The thoroughness and robustness of the mysticism and metaphysics throughout your teachings, provide unprecedented context and guidance for our lived experiences. The whole-being alchemical healing gifts delivered through your impeccable work are immeasurable.
Throughout the years, there have been various instances, in the course of your lectures/webinars, wherein you’ve shared the words of encouragement for us: “Remember who you are.” And each time I’ve heard you say it, it has sent ripples through my entire Being — it has thundered through me. It is with such delight, that I have come to recognize this all-permeating self-communication — it is visceral and all-consuming — wherein every cell sings a new, yet ancient, timeless, eternal song. My heart bursts and overflows, as I FEEL the substance of Life speaking to and through me; I am feeling (and in wonders of) non-cognitive, whole-being, self-communication….
Your masterfully lived example serves as a North Star in each moment; my limitless Praise and appreciation to you for so clearly demonstrating how to live such sacred principles, perspectives, and attitudes. Through your miraculous support of our self-empowerment and utilizing the exquisite tools you have provided, I have experienced more miracles than I could count, across all areas of life. Working daily with Belvaspata, immersing within your unparalleled teachings, and applying your sublime Fragrance Alchemy oils, has reawakened inherent, non-cognitive awareness of the voice of the Infinite speaking throughout my beingness and expressed environment.
There are no sufficient words to thank you for sharing the unabashed brilliance with which you live… it is an honor and a privilege to have walked so actively with you throughout the past years, and as your role among us is evolving to new expression, may gracious blessings be yours multifold, as you’ve shared the miracles and priceless revelations of your life with us….
With endless appreciation for the inconceivable love that we share, for our unfathomable, ceaseless blessings, and for your ever-inspiring magnanimity of Heart… Beloved Infinite Mother, through the grace of your tangible presence in my life and ever-accessible luminous inspiration, may we eternally play this joyful game of life’s untarnishable perfection revealed…. <3
Jodie C. ~ (PEI, Canada)
Previous: Adoration Of The Infinite – 6
Moana says
Barbara Kathryn says
Dearest Jodie, you and each one who has shared here, express how Almine’s Presence, often via the tools she has blessed us with, is the Gift above all else 💙
Devapriya says
Thank you Jodie for expressing so eloquently the love that we all feel for Almine, by proxy for those, like me, who don’t find the words that can describe the deep devotion, praise and gratitude for our Divine Mother.
stacey says
Jodie, thank you 💕 The photo and the words are both beautifully expressed. Very inspiring and most beautiful to read and view. Much love to you 💞