Question: The terrible flooding in Nicaragua has been such a personal tragedy to me. What is the shamanic message of this event?
The Seer: It symbolizes the removal of belief systems. Because I have just interpreted a similar theme of a dream for my daughter, I believe the dominant belief systems being cleared to be:
1. Beliefs that work is a curse rather than a blessing — if your work is done as a privileged gift to humanity, it transforms into a blessing; an act of devotion to the Infinite.
2. Beliefs about romantic partnerships. You aren’t human, you’re a God among men. To seek the approval of a human partner by being eager to please is absolutely beneath you. You are an eternal, immortal being, and competing with humans for the affection of others, is to disrespect this sacred heritage.
People would want to be near you, they don’t know why, but they just know it makes their day better. But your gift is your presence. Know how comforting and valuable it is.
Question: I feel enslaved by the daily grind of my work. How should I look at it instead?
The Seer: Take care of yourself by sleeping enough and eating regular smaller meals, but see yourself as An Instrument of Adoration in Action, and your day as an extraordinary opportunity to be able to do daily acts of devotion.
Seer’s Note: Remind yourself of the following:
“This is not a job, it’s a life-long opportunity of service to life as an expression of the Infinite. Millions of educated people are out of jobs — unable to support themselves or their families. A job is a tremendous blessing! Only the most reliable workers will survive these coming cutbacks bosses will have to make. Make sure you’re respectful, kind, and courteous, and shed uplifting ideas and contributions to the workplace. Support excellence wherever you find it. “
Previous: The Holy Infant
Ailsa Mclean says
Thank you, beloved Almine and Tina. This is such a wonderful message for us.
Dhani says
OH such a wonderful reminder these days!
Christel says
Sorry in my reply it is to be Arjuna.. not Aruna!
Christel says
Correct to arjuna!
Christel says
May I add what Krisna tells Aruna in the Bhagavadgita, India’s most famous ancient text: all work you do, you do for me”.. krisna a name for God…
Sarah Murray says
Oh boy! Did I never need to hear this today. 🙂
Sarah Murray says
It is my sincere hope that the TYPES of “jobs” we will have in the not too distant future will be more in alignment with what we are.