As you walk between the worlds; accessing the magic of the mystical realms, you become a light-filled being that becomes a stranger to those closest to you. You become like a stranger in their midst; an irritant that disturbs them in an uncomfortable way at subconscious levels. But my Beloved Ones, it is better to walk alone, than to pander to the malcontent of others to win the acceptance they cannot give. Be true to yourself and willingly pay the price of greatness.
~ The Seer Almine
Previous: Meeting Of The Fairies
Mishi says
Yes, I’ve been witnessing this for a good while now, yet walking away from the magic of the mystical realms hasn’t crossed my mind. Thank you for this Beloved Almine! How I love you!
stacey says
Dhani says
Good point. Thank you for this great reminder.
Vanessa says
Thankyou Almine, I agree,.