We thank Cec, a student on one of our online courses, Interstellar Mysticism (www.appliedmysticism.com) for several questions that she submitted to us.
Q. On the radio show of 4/24/10* Almine mentioned that the cosmos closed down old spirals of existence last week and that the wheel of existence has gone up one side and down the other. What does this mean?
A. The insight that I’m referring to as our being on the treadmill of life and finding that one side is ascension and one side is descension is namely this: it demonstrates the foolishness of valuing the raising of light which we call the ascension cycles, above the raising of frequency which we call the descension cycles.
It is also clear that in a confined space such as the cosmic wheel of life, the law of compensation applies – increase of one thing means the decrease of its opposite – as long as polarity exists. Polarity is the side effect of the illusion of a confined space.
Q. Does it mean that we have succeeded in entering the middle of the triad into incorruptibility and the wheel of existence is dissolved forever for all of creation?
A. Life has grown like an embryo pushing the womb into a larger space until the development merits a birth. The closing down of old spirals of existence can be equated to final developmental pieces being finished off to prepare for a birth.
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