Q. Belvaspata is a beautiful healing modality that I learned about at the recent “Almine in Florida” conference. I want to learn more about it. Can you please direct me?
A. There are many resources available to learn about Belvaspata, the healing modality of angelic light and frequency, including the books The Ring of Truth, Life of Miracles, 3rd ed. and Opening the Doors of Heaven which all contain a Belvaspata section.
- Almine’s Belvaspata website contains a directory of registered Belvaspata practitioners. Websites of practitioners linked on the directory are solely dedicated to Belvaspata. www.belvaspata.org
- The Belvaspata Initiation and Healing manual (Belvaspata Starter Kit I) is a comprehensive overview of Belvaspata and includes a CD. http://www.alminewisdom.com/collections/belvaspata
- The Belvaspata forum on http://ascension.net
Q. Is it possible for me to receive a long-distance initiation as I live in a remote area?
A. There are 2 ways to be initiated into Belvaspata:
- Initiation received in person, directly from a master or grand master (a master can initiate up to and including their level of mastery)
- Self-initiation working with a master or grand master mentor.
Self-initiation instructions are provided in the Belvaspata Initiation and Healing manual Starter Kit I. The Starter Kit includes a CD of Almine speaking the names of the major Belvaspata angels and the self-initiation ceremony. The beautiful CD is provided as a tool for learning the pronunciation of Mother’s language, the language of the Infinite. It can be played during initiations (or for Belvaspata sessions) but is not meant to replace the work of self-initiation. Self-initiation guidelines instruct initiates to work with a mentor; someone who can guide the self-initiation process, verify the work of initiates and provide support by answering questions.
- Almine has explained that completing the work of self-initiation raises the frequency of the initiate and readies them for receiving the sigils during their self-initiation ceremony. A free download of Belvaspata initiation information is located on the following sites:
Belvaspata site, click the link for How to Become Initiated: http://belvaspata.spiritualjourneys.com/initiation/
Spiritual Journeys website, click the link for Almine Healing.com site and the Belvaspata link on that site: http://www.alminehealing.com/belvaspata.html
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