Our latest New Paradigms through Ancient Records show is going to be a deeply mystical one. Discover how our cosmos has, as a reflection of what the Infinite is, been dominated by shadow rim gods and spider goddesses, representing the fake masculine and fake feminine.
This sigil will help remove the influence of the spider goddesses that obstruct direct unfoldment of the One Life through our lives, but only if we can see that these shadow gods are merely an outward effect of unexpressed area’s in our own being.
Recently we published the sigil for connection to Source on our Belvaspata blog. Combining the Infinite’s sigil, with the “anti spider goddesses” sigil and chant and seeing the illusions that formed external tyrants are a huge step in removing their influence.
Join Avril and Niels for this deeply mystical show here.
sylvia says
I am curious because I know that one of my totems happens to be a spider and it has influenced me with many gifts. Is it possible for the spider to represent both polarities of dark and light? thanks.
Niels says
Hello Syvia! Thanks for your question and welcome to Almine’s diary 🙂
Interesting question you pose. The answer to me shows that things are never clearly black and white and always nuanced.
To begin with, in Almine’s Dream Symbol Dictionary (she’s making a bigger version of this right now) spiders stand for: “shortcomings that feed on ourselves; self-destruction” To a degree physical life can be seen as the most dense dream of the Infinite. Thus dream symbols can be used in our daily life as well, if they stand out in our day and really grab our attention. As a personal example: Something that really stood out for me in the last half years was a blackbird banging his head on a mirror for days on end. For those who have a dream dictionary by Almine… have fun with that one.
Now, all this talk of spiders and spider goddesses, is it a bad thing to have a spider as your totem. Absolutely not. Please understand that Almine deals with the absolute deepest insights about life and how it has been controlled behind the scenes. One of these controlling aspects have been the spider goddesses. However, this doesn’t mean that spiders themselves are bad. And even a ‘bad’ thing can give you huge gifts of power and insight during your life, if it is your next step. However ultimately, the fake feminine, the embodiments it took and the controlling webs and programs it made for life to express through must be addressed. That is the level Almine is working with in this post.
I hope this a beginning of an answer for you.
To find out more about the spider goddesses, take a look at Almine’s online courses Down the Rabbit Hole 1, 2, 3 and Walking with the Seer 1, 2 and 3:
Team Almine