Put your brainy specs on: In this Q&A session, Almine goes into the very nature of the building blocks of life and how they change as the cosmos changes.
Q: In quantum physics the building blocks of life are an anomaly: They are little wave forms but they are also appearing as little particles. How does that fit into what you are saying? Because physicists have concluded that the true nature of these particles is in fact a wave form.
A: The electrical masculine lines of Creation that interpret the flow of unfolding life, are like the film reel that creates a movie: a series of static images. Electric interpretation shows the building blocks, the sub-atomic particles, as little formed particles – snapshots of the flowing river of life. The wave form nature of these images is also not a proper description, but rather a magnetic interpretation: Action is photographed as a series of images that are then shown in rapid succession and tricks the eye into seeing movement from the static. The movie is neither flow, nor static – just a trick of the eye. The same can be said of the movie of life.
Q: What, in the “movie” analogy you give, represent the actual sub-atomic particles?
A: They are not only tiny screens that reflect the expression of Infinite Life, but also jointly make up a big cosmic screen. What happens in one sub-atomic particle, effects all particles. The one and the many have equal importance in interpreting expression.
Q: What changes in the sub-atomic particles when life evolves to becoming an expression of the Infinite, rather than a reflection?
A: The nature of the building blocks change – they no longer act independently, which creates a mirror effect, but enter into a co-operative oneness with Infinite intent, which they respond to as an expression.
Q: So we create a mirror by acting from individual will, creating opposition in our environment?
A: Yes, ego-identification…
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