Living the direction of the East; the magical life without expectations of time, timing or pace is the beautiful ending of a great episode of Awakening from the Dream. Almine takes us by the hand and guides us through living wíth and eventually without paradigms, what linearity is and how to actually live these teachings as an inherent part of you instead of just attaining knowledge. Jeanne and Ronny join us to talk about their radio shows and (we weren’t surprised) stuff went wonky again in David’s room! We hope you and your friends enjoy another exiting episode of Almine’s Awakening!
Listen to the show here.
(This light elixir is that of the Angel of the expanses of linearity, which Almine talks about during the show)
Please note: As a one time exception our New Paradigms through Ancient Records radio show will be aired this Saturday, instead of the usual Friday. Do tune in, for it promises to be a good show with more symbols and principles to activate the DNA.
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