True or False? Do the 1,440 inner senses = 1,440 songs of the Earth?
(Note: Thus far I believe we have received 289 songs of the Earth)
The Seer:
Truth lies in layers, if one digs through enough layers, truth, and untruth integrate and lose their separate meanings.
But, the time-maps we received for the few years we were involved in mapping the subtle ripples of time, added up to 1.440 days (in other words we mapped out 1.440 ripples/nuances of time — the inner senses of the cosmos).
Outer experiences originate from inner subtle senses.
Can we still call upon the Angelgods from the time-maps we received years ago?
The Seer:
More from The Seer:
Lynette Ruest says
Regarding the second question of calling upon Angelgods of the Timemaps: does this apply to the personal Angelgods assigned to us as part of one of the Timemaps?
Tina says
Hi Lynette, Yes, it applies to the personal Angelgods of the Timemaps.
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you Tina!
Alexandra says
Hi Tina,
I would love to know if the mind control weapon “mach” is still being used on the masses?
Dhani says
Interesting. Sergey and group have just released a musical power sigil for the Inner song of the Infinite.
Dhani says
Interesting. Sergey and group have just released a musical power sigil for the Inner song of the Infinite.