Almine, what’s your state of awareness when you receive a Timemap?
Layers of information come in for that person. I don’t analyze it, I just let it flow. I mostly hear the numbers that should go around the edge, but sometimes it feels as if my hand has a mind of its own. For instance, I want to write a 3, but my hand will only write a 2.
Marlene says
Just ordered mine…looking forward to receiving in 2-3 weeks! Thank you Almine for being there to guide.
Dhani says
Yep, mine is on order. 🙂
Most grateful for this magical event.
Robin R says
This will be my first time map and the cosmic new year begins on 1/28/17 my birthday. Wow! Have a feeling this is going to be an interesting year…Thank you Almine for this sacred tool.
Tina says
Wow, the new timemap looks really interesting! Thanks for sharing this..and for creating them! Can’t wait until I am able to order mine!
With love, gratitude and appreciation,