Almine wanted to remind you that in conjunction with the work being done in the silent retreat, it would be of great assistance if our Lightfamily everywhere can find something that caused them to feel guilt, and eliminate it through perception. Many approach food, the Earth and money with guilt, for instance. But all of life is unfolding in innocence as it should. Instead, trust the perfection unfolding behind the appearances and find enjoyment in the everyday experiences of life. Through our feelings do we shape our reality…
I needed that. I love you Almine, it really helped.
Cheeky enjoyment! What a face π
Thank you or the message Almine….you are my inspiration !!!! π
Oh, my God, I just had such a magical experience. I went to lie down and I could smell the magical fragrance of baking. “I did not bake anything”, I thought to myself. I went to check outside, but all I could smell was the fresh air. So, I surrendered to the present moment and I allowed myself to smell the magnificent fragrance of baking. It was coming from the inner space. I realized that I could actually smell what is Almine baking. Truly magical experience.
What also happened was that all of the stagnant odors got eliminated from the inner space. Stagnant odors were result of guilt that was blocking the expression of the “SENSORY CANAL or Channel”. Elimination of guilt enhances expression of the sensory canal and strengthens our ability to feel and manifest through our feelings.
With a clear conscience and pure intention, there is no place for guilt.
Beautiful. π
I recall my little sister being allowed to “make a mess” with rice on a plate, sometimes. π
It’s good to indulge the wild side sometimes. It is at times, the very source of Infinite Will. π
wild one
Wow, powerful message in the post and the picture. That literally released the distorted perception about the food for me. Instantly the information traveled through my central nervous system and restored the harmonized vibration of enjoyment through the powerful vision of myself as a child, enjoying the food with all of my senses.
Thank you.