I wonder how the “under-underworld” relates to the inner family of subpersonalities? Also, it reminds me of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) which emphasizes the key role of what they call the unconscious, which is deeper than our subconscious – and unknown to most of us – drives most of our actions, thoughts and feelings. So is this similar to the sub-subconscious?
Almine’s answer:
I have acknowledged in some of the classes you’ve attended that my use of the words ‘unconscious’ and ‘subconscious’ does not match up with terms used in psychology… The reason being that my teachings along those lines do not come from books and the thoughts of others, but from traveling into the planetary equivalent (and the similar aspects in our psyche). So, for clarity’s sake, I’ll do it again and try to elaborate:
The “right brain thought”, I call the unconscious. It processes and interprets the barrage of subtle information that bombards us every day non-cognitively. It speaks to us through feelings. The “left brain” of most, with undisciplined thoughts and an internal dialogue, sucks up all available energy. Only the bit (if any) that remains, goes to access right brain’s communications. It does play a major part in our life… much of it subversively hostile… without our being aware of it. It is not a storage compartment – the way the subconscious is – for unprocessed experiences in our lives. (So I cannot really understand what “deeper” means in describing it.) It speaks, incidentally, in the language of imagery since it is the mouthpiece of the soul.
The subconscious, as I’ve used the term, is however a storage unit of unprocessed events and desires. It can be called the heart-mind and originates in certain highly specialized cells in the heart. It is neither hostile nor supportive. But its influences can be detrimental since it designs opportunities to resolve those unpleasant events we’ve tried not to look at.
The sub-subconscious has NEVER BEFORE been studied by Freud or anyone else. It has no directions nor subpersonalities associated with it since its a man-made construct of reality. This construct houses his demons and has kept the attributes imprisoned that are vital for a second level resurrected life. The subpersonalities form in the embryo; they’re part of our individuation. This alternate reality is not. I’ll speak more on this in the upcoming months.
Selma says
Dearest Almine,
Thanks for clarifying this for me (again). Sometimes it is easier to temporarily understand something with the left brain yet not internalize this understanding via the heart-mind. By asking questions I am able to get out of my head more, uncover errors in my understanding and allow more clarity to flow 🙂 I look forward to your future enlightenments on this topic.
In gratitude for all that you reveal to us …
Jana says
Thank you Almine that clarifies a lot for me. Also when I read Dhani’s comment, something clicked and I understood something that I could not understand before. Since I started to attend the school system it was very difficult for me to read books and I could not understand the theoretical application of what we were learning into everyday living. Later on I studied all of the kinds of chemistry at the collage and university, later homeopathy that allowed me to study and understand myself through the inner alchemy. I can feel the inner alchemy in my self, how my body, soul and the spirit is guiding me to understand and live the inner alchemy. I am guided to nurture myself- what outside previously could not give me; I am guided to feel the support that I did not feel before; life is showing me the way and empowering me through the inner alchemy.
Dhani says
Thank you for this Almine. It distinguishes your teachings from the man made processes and matrices. People have to understand that books are man made constructs that house models of thought. They have nothing to do withe reality.
All of Almine’s teachings speak of reality. Man kind has been deluded into thinking those matrices formed by books are reality. They are not. Those are man made constructs of thought.
RJ says
Okay, clarification: Left brain discussion only goes on for two sentences right? From then on we’re back to right brain, from “It does play a major part…” right?
RJ says
In other words, does the pronoun ‘it’ in the sixth sentence of the second paragraph of Almine’s answer refer to the left brain or the right brain (unconscious)?
As it wasn’t mentioned, I suppose it’s to be understood that the left brain is to be considered more or less the ‘conscious’ – similarly as right brain is considered unconscious…
If so to above, I begin to be pretty sure that Almine is talking about the unconscious as the one that plays “a major part in our life… much of it subversively hostile… without our being aware of it”. Because the conscious (if that is left brain) we would be aware of – because it’s ya know, conscious 🙂
That’s gotta be it. Thrown off once again by a pronoun… Oh the humanity, the humanity…
Rogier says
🙂 Yes, the subversively hostile “it” would be the ‘right brain’… (something that is, in turn, due to it being suppressed by the ‘left brain’).
Rogier says
Also see:
Vanessa says
Thankyou Almine for this , it is interesting as I am working with the 96 Runes of the White Tiger and one of the cards that came up indicating what was leaving was The mind of the Heart !
Deeply greatful for the insight shared and questions asked
niji says
check out natural language processing, if you want/