Almine Wisdom/Twitter received this question from LeVicko:
“I personally am very worried about the latest signs given by mother nature. Quake comes after quake. We All must realize how we have constantly hurt our planet and hardly ever considered the environment we’ll give to our off-springs.”
Almine’s answer:
Since February 2005 there has been a massive ascension of light on the planet. This process has accelerated the release of the old memories held in the rocks of the Earth. Creatures have felt disturbances in their skeletal systems where old genetic memories have been stored .. in this case you can see that it is not necessarily a herald of bad tidings. Furthermore, many earthquakes have been moved from heavily populated areas into the ocean to minimize loss of life because of great parts of the Earth’s population embracing the changes. In a second, during the first week of January 2009, we went into a parallel reality in order to heal the feminine so that frequency could match the refined light. Yet again we are in a frequency based ascension accelerating Earth changes at the very same time of ameliorating them.
Do not be concerned my sister, physicality is fluid and when enough masters see behind the appearances of life, our physical environment will change in an instant.
~ Almine
Almine’s body is a fluid form that she shapes at will
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