Ikelke Wisdom meets Braamish Ananu Belvaspata
Welcome to this month’s global ceremony with one of Almine’s spiritual tools. After last month’s success with the global ceremony of the Flowers of Life, this month we continue with a combination of the Ikele Sigils (from Secrets of Rejuvenation) and Braamish Ananu Belvaspata (from Belvaspata – Angel Healing volume I).
What is this ceremony about?
The Saradesi Ikelke ceremony had as its purpose the opening of the body’s ability to access the limitless supply of regenerative resources from the One Life. It was often done in conjunction with Irash Satva Yoga.
Participants would eat only the purest foods for a lunar month before the ceremony. The painting of the Ikelke sigils would take place on the full moon and left on the body for three days. During the three days, the participants would be in secluded stillness, sleeping and eating as they wished. Continue reading here.
Here is everything you need to know to prepare:
When: Friday, 25th of January 2013: 3pm GMT / 10 am EST onwards (audio will be available during the rest of the day)
What: Ikelke sigils, 12 affirmations from Saradesi, Emotions of Recognition from Braamish Belvaspata
Where: This event page on SpiritualMastery.com will be host of the ceremony itself. Ascension.net is the place to share your experiences with others
Hour 1: Reading the Emotions of Recognition and performing acupressure
Hour 2: Calling the Angels of Saradesi
How long? 2 separate recordings over a 2 hour period; join in 1 or both as best suits you
By: Avril, Jane and Team Almine. See Avril’s invitation on our social network here.
Continue reading all the details and get all the tools you need to join in on this ceremony by going to the event page now.
We are very exited about this and hope that you can join us with this ceremony in a few days time!
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